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Globe at Night is an international citizen-science campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure and submit their night sky brightness observations. Join us for the April, 2018 campaign! So far in 2018 citizen scientists from around the world have contributed.
Vitajte na oficiálnej slovenskej webovej stránke projektu Globe at Night! Ak sa chcete o projekte niečo dozvedieť, či sa do neho zapojiť, ste na správnom mieste. Je celosvetový projekt s cieľom zvýšiť povedomie verejnosti o vplyve svetelného znečistenia a je jedným z najúspešnejších projektov svojho druhu vôbec. Svojimi pozorovaniami prispieva do projektu Globe at Night. Každoročne niekoľko desiatok tisíc ľudí zo 115 krajín sveta.
A blog devoted to promoting the GLOBE at Night program. Huzzah to you Aunt Kit and Huzzah to all of the school teachers! This is what Globe at Night is all about.
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World War I and 19th Century. World War II Campaign Maps. Published Professional Book Review Excerpts. What Readers Are Saying About Why Germany Nearly Won. The Globe at War is a member driven, independent, online community dedicated to discussing and exploring the global conflicts that defined the twentieth century and today. In building a community for those interested in the past hundred plus years of global warfare, this website offers a place for.